Technology Escrow

What is Technology Escrow?

The developer deposits the technology in question (data or documents) with a neutral third party, the escrow agent.

If the developer goes bankrupt or ceases to provide services - for whatever reason - the client gets access to the deposited technology.

In the escrow agreement, the developer, the client and the escrow agent agree in advance on the conditions for the release of the data or documents.

The escrow agent keeps the data or documents safe. Only when one of the predefined conditions is met does the escrow agent release the data or documents to the client.

swissEscrow is your escrow agent for professional, individual and secure solutions in the field of Technology Escrow.


Our data centres have the highest security standards. Upload and storage are encrypted.


You deposit your data online - quickly, securely and reliably.


Within a short time, you benefit from having control over software and data.


You have a competent contact person and benefit from personal advice.

Become independent and minimise your risk today!

Are there any remaining questions we can answer for you? Please do not hesitate to call us. We will be happy to provide you with information.

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Portrait Oliver Knakowski
Your contact person:
Oliver Knakowski-Rüegg
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